LeafSnap is an app that allows you to identify plants and it is very easy to use, whether you want to identify plant species while camping, in your garden, at work, or on any adventure. I use LeafSnap often to help guests identify plants at the lavender farm where I work throughout the summer. The owner has many beautiful plants (most of them purple, haha) in addition to the lavender. While I know our lavender well, it is difficult to keep up with all the plants on the property. Some reviews of the app indicate that it is not the most accurate app to use; however, while I am not a plant expert, it seems to have accurately identified any plant species that I look up.
The first step when entering the app is reading the small print! At a quick glance it looks like you need to pay for the app to work, but this is not the case. At the top of the screen in very small letters it lets you move out of the payment options and onto the app. You can then choose to identify a plant by snapping a picture or uploading one. I directly snapped a picture of this tree in my garden, that is pretty, but I never cared to find out what it was. Any guesses before we continue on?

The app then asked me if I wanted to identify the plant by its leaves, flowers, fruit, or bark. I chose "leaf." Then... you must sit through the ad, which is fine, it is a free app. The app offers a list of suggested options with the top option being the most likely, and what I believe to be accurate as the Japanese snowball (Viburnum plicatum).

If you then select the plant you believe you have identified, the app opens up into a new screen and provides additional detail to help you further ensure you have the correct identification.

When I select the read more, it offers a bit more basic detail, but any additional information you would like to know such as care of the plant would require a google search.
Again, I think this app has been super useful for quick identification for basic use and plant identification novices and has been accurate for me each time I have used it. I have specifically identified Russian sage, cat mint, salvia, clematis, and specific butterfly bush species for guests that have asked around the lavender farm. I like that it provides options for how to identify your species based on its fruit, flower, leaf, and bark, and provides a quick answer with options listed in order from most likely down to other possible options. I encourage anyone who isn't a plant expert like me to give this app a try if you are hoping to identify plants on any adventure.
Appixi. (2021). LeafSnap Plant Identification. Google.com. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=plant.identification.snap&hl=en_US&gl=US